Stand up eight
A life long cribbage tournament : to date : 2 games
played (in 1998) : score 1 - 1.
Finishing the crossword, in ink, before my second
cup of coffee.
Easily distinguish between the Charlies; Mingus &
Parker. Also : Elias Koteas & Christopher Meloni, John
Heard & William Hurt, Pat Hingle & Art Hindle.
Smoke & Variety : the musical.
That moment : it has happened only once so far : surprised
by sunlight when leaving a movie theatre.
Learn to throw a punch & take one.
Hearing your giggle from across the room.
Look a man wearing sandals in the eye & not
cast judgment.
Knowing that F. will laugh when she reads : Smoke &
Variety : the musical : spinning of the chair will likely ensue.
Someone kissing me first.
I will forgive you : we will not be friends but will fondly
recall the time you shoplifted cough drops : I was so
miserable & we didn't have enough pocket change : or
when I dropped my house keys down a sewer grate : city
workers arrived with a rope & large round magnet
to search the sludge.
Endings that aren't really endings.
Semper alacer : aliquando sinistra.
A brioche from Claude's : garlic soup : road dogs &
champagne : a root beer sipped slowly outside a car wash :
looking at a full moon through glass : stories read aloud
while wrapped tightly in a sleeping bag : a window seat
with the perfect view of snow falling past street lights : repeat.
Hmmm... do I dare use a sports metaphor?? This one's a home run! A fine poem, well done.
I like this poem a lot. Think that it uses lists and memory in a very interesting way, a sort of inside joke, but in the beauty of friendship kind of way, not in the 'I'm laughing but no one else is' kind of way.
Very good one, there! Style comment: I am enjoying the use of semi-colons.
I'm spinning on my chair! Wheeee-ahahahahaha-wheeeee-thunk-ouch-wheeeeeeehahahaha!!!!!
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