A life long cribbage tournament : to date : 2 games
played (in 1998) : score 1 - 1.
Finishing the crossword, in ink, before my second
cup of coffee.
Easily distinguish between the Charlies; Mingus &
Parker. Also : Elias Koteas & Christopher Meloni, John
Heard & William Hurt, Pat Hingle & Art Hindle.
Smoke & Variety : the musical.
That moment : it has happened only once so far : surprised
by sunlight when leaving a movie theatre.
Learn to throw a punch & take one.
Hearing your giggle from across the room.
Look a man wearing sandals in the eye & not
cast judgment.
Knowing that F. will laugh when she reads : Smoke &
Variety : the musical : spinning of the chair will likely ensue.
Someone kissing me first.
I will forgive you : we will not be friends but will fondly
recall the time you shoplifted cough drops : I was so
miserable & we didn't have enough pocket change : or
when I dropped my house keys down a sewer grate : city
workers arrived with a rope & large round magnet
to search the sludge.
Endings that aren't really endings.
Semper alacer : aliquando sinistra.
A brioche from Claude's : garlic soup : road dogs &
champagne : a root beer sipped slowly outside a car wash :
looking at a full moon through glass : stories read aloud
while wrapped tightly in a sleeping bag : a window seat
with the perfect view of snow falling past street lights : repeat.